This Is What It's All About...
Fireworks don't work for me like an excellent structural correction...It never gets old...
The BLACK curve is the shape this neck is suppose to have. The red lines on the back of the vertebrae depict how the patient's neck is shaped...NOT so good (reversed) in the BEFORE image...BTW, they had a couple SECONDARY CONDITIONS which made them seek my care... headaches and neck pain, which are just a couple of the possibilities this kind of ABNORMAL neck structure can generate.
It took more than a couple treatments to get the CORRECTION you see in the AFTER image...near perfection! The patient's favorite side effect of NORMAL structure, in this case, is no more headaches and no neck more SECONDARY CONDITIONS!!! That's great...I just like to think about the slowed rate of degeneration, less stress on the nervous system, know, the really big things that matter most.
Just an example how STRUCTURAL CORRECTION has a different OBJECTIVE compared to TRADITIONAL CHIROPRACTIC. Have a fun 4th!!!